Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Three Options To Kimi Return to F1

Although not much is exposed in the sports media, but the presence of Kimi Raikkonen in the arena of the World Rally Championship (WRC) looks quite comfortable and now very far from the gossip that sometimes the choice to corner the WRC.

But it seems the presence of Kimi in the WRC will not take place until the second season. The reason is the boss Norbert Haug, Mercedes-Benz re-take Kimi to join in the F1 again.

But outside of the call-Haug, mathematically if you see Kimi opportunity to be on the top teams in F1, fairly wide open. Because in addition to the team Grand Prix Mercedes, Renault and Red Bull are also in the list of teams waiting to apply for Finnish drivers.

When making a direct visit to the residence in Finland's Kimi Raikkonen, of course, many things are discussed by Haug Kimi about opportunities to come back in F1 next season's competition. According to many circles, including Martin Whitmarsh, that if Kimi back to F1, the race's pole position will be more colorful.

"I am always in touch with Kimi as a friend. What is clear in the not too distant future, will Kimi decided he would go back to F1 or not. Since this is the most important thing for F1, "said a spokeswoman for the Haug Haug questioned during a visit to the residence of Kimi.

Whitmarsh also recognizes the fact that no special relationship with Kimi, explaining that if only he had a magic wand to change everything, then he will bring to F1 Kimi again. Did Kimi have agreed to return their fate in F1? We'll see the latest decision from Kimi.

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