Saturday, July 24, 2010

AK-47 Legendary weapon

AK-47 (below the data to an AK-47 Type 1)
Type: Assault rifle
Country of origin: Soviet Union
Usage history
Used: 1949 -
Users: Soviet Union, many others
Production history
Designer: Mikhail Kalashnikov
Year: 1947
Total: Above 100 million
Variants: See Variants
Weight: 4.3 kg
Length: 870 mm (34 ¼ inch)
Length of barrel: 415 mm (16.3 inches)
Bullets: 7.62 x 39 mm
Mechanism: Operation of gas, rotating bolt
Kec. fire: 600 rounds / minute
Kec. bullet: 710 m / s
Effective range: 300 m
Filling: Magazen box 30 grain,
Boxes Magazen RPK 40 points,
RPK drum Magazen 75 points
Sights: iron sight

AK-47 Type 2, the first variant that uses the type of machined receivers.

AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947 stands, Russia: Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года) is an assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, produced by Russian arms makers IZhMASh, and is used by many Eastern bloc countries during the Cold War. This rifle was adopted and became the standard rifle of the Soviet Union in 1947. [2] Compared with the gun used during World War II, the AK-47 has a smaller size, with a shorter range, wearing a bullet with 7.62 x 39 caliber mm smaller, and have the option of a shot (selective-fire). AK-47 assault rifles, including one of the first and remains a most assault rifles produced.

During World War II, Germany created the concept of an assault rifle. This concept is based on the experience that more modern battles occurred at a short distance away, which is about 100 meters. Power and range of the bullet at that moment was too big. So, Germany began to develop bullets and guns that have the nature of Submachine Gun (content magazen much and can shoot full-automatic) with a bullet that can reach up to 300 meters. To reduce manufacturing costs, this is achieved by shortened bullet 7.92 x 57 mm Mauser into 33mm size is 7.92 x 33mm Kurz (Kurz means short).

The end result, Sturmgewehr 44, was not the first gun that uses this concept; before Italy and the Soviet Union had a similar design concept. However, Germany was the first to mass produce their rifles. Germany many use their new guns to deal with the Soviets on the Eastern Front. The experience of the Soviet Union against Germany impacted the Soviet doctrine in the following years.

Based on Soviet doctrine, began to think of Mikhail Kalashnikov rifle design since the hospital, after being wounded in battle in Brysansk. He had been informed that a new weapon is being sought, for use with 7.62 x 41 mm bullets made by Elisarov and Semin in 1943. But this time, the defeat against the Kalashnikov design Sudayev design, namely PPS43. Kalashnikov designed his first change after he learned StG44 Germany in 1946. Because the design is quite impressive, Kalashnikov and was chosen to lead a design team.

Concept design

Although similar, Mikhail Kalashnikov denies that its design is based on the German StG44. AK-47 as a mixture rather than innovations in previous years. For example, mechanical AK-47 is more like the M1 Garand rifles than Germany. Double locking lugs, unlocking raceway, and trigger mechanism is very aesthetically similar to American design. This is perfectly reasonable, given that millions of the M1 Garand has been successfully used in all corners of the world. Although mechanically similar to the M1 Garand rifle, the bullet concept, layout components, gas system, and method of assembling an AK-47 clearly similar to StG44.

AK-47 is a genius, that the most appropriate design for mass production. So AK-47 managed to combine excellence with StG44 M1 Garand, and can be produced quickly by the Soviet Union at that time.

Receiver development

AK-47 Type 3A (top), its predecessor, the SKS rifle.

AKMS with a Type 4B receiver (top), and AK-47 with a Type 2A.

Initially the production of receivers (rifles body section that contains the firing mechanism), encountering many problems. The first production model receiver made from stamped sheet (print iron) sheet metal. The problem encountered is the difficulty of welding the guide and ejector railing, which eventually caused the number of rejection. But this problem does not stop production, as their resolution, stamped sheet metal receiver is replaced with milled receiver (formed with the tool / special machine). This process is more expensive, but fortunately the tools and the workers needed are available, previously used for the production of Mosin-Nagant. Because of these problems, the new Soviet Union could distribute these guns extensively in 1956. At the same time, the production of precursor of AK-47 rifles, SKS, still continues.

After the production problems were resolved, in 1959 a new plan was formulated and named AKM (M for the modernization-in Russian: Автомат Калашникова Модернизированный). These new models use stamped sheet metal receiver and featured a muzzle break at the end of the barrel to reduce recoil. Also added are also retaining the hammer (hammer bat bullets) so that the rifle can shoot well on the choice of fully-automatic gunfire. This new model is lighter than the earlier model, about two-thirds of their initial weight. The majority of the production of Kalashnikov rifles outside Russia, with a license or without license, use this MCA model, due to easier production of the stamped receiver. This model is the most ubiquitous and produced worldwide. However, almost all man-made Kalashnikov rifles commonly called the AK-47, this is wrong, because the AK-47 rifles only is the use of three receivers of the earliest models. Figure in addition to showing the differences between the milled receiver AK-47 Type 2, with a stamped receiver AKM Type 4, for example, use screws instead of welding, as well as small differences in the dimples magazen.

Receiver Type Explanation
Type 1A / B stamped receiver AK-47. -1B modified for folding stock.
Namely, a hole is present on both sides, to be installed folding stock
downward. (Naming B remains the same for the next)
Type 2A / B Using machined iron.
Type 3A / B version of "final" milled receiver, made of steel. AK-47 Receiver
most ubiquitous.
Type 4A / B AKM stamped receiver. Design of the most widely used in


AK-47 rifle that is simple, not expensive to produce, and easily cleaned and maintained. Famous legendary durability and reliability. Large gas piston, generous clearances between moving mechanical parts, and design of the bullet, make the AK-47 can still shoot with it smoothly, although the component is filled with dirt or foreign objects. But reliability is a little sacrifice of accuracy, because the large tolerances on mechanical parts does not guarantee the accuracy and consistency found on the rifles are more accurate.

AK-47 behind shooting can be arranged, with setting the distance that the difference is 100 meters respectively. The front sight is adjustable for elevation in the field. And arranged in horizontal settings armory before given to the user. The battle setting places the round within a few centimeters above or below the point of aim, at a distance of 250 meters. Settings "point-blank range" is used so that the shooter does not need to change the settings of the appliance shoot at close range. Such settings similar to those used for Mosin-Nagant and SKS, to facilitate the transition and training.

The barrel room hallway and bullets, and gas piston and the cylinder interior gas used AK-47 coated with chrome. This helps to prolong the life of these tools, because it prevents corrosion and rust. And this is very important, given ammunition to the 20th century often contain mercury, corrosive elements, which require regular cleaning to prevent damage. Chrome plating on the important parts of the rifle is now prevalent in modern weapons.

Influence of culture

During the Cold War, Soviet Union, China, and the United States provides equipment and technology to countries of their allies, along with the rebel forces they support. In the time that happens the massive spread of the AK-47 by the Soviet Union and China to countries and groups of pro-communists, such as the Nicaraguan Sandinistas and Viet Cong. AK-47 design was distributed to 55 armed forces of the world.

The spread of the AK-47 is not only seen from the numbers alone, the AK-47 is in the flag and coat of arms of Mozambique. There are also the symbol of Burkina Faso, and the flag of Hezbollah. "Kalash", shorthand for "Kalashnikov", is used as a boy in several countries in Africa.

In America, filmmakers often arming criminals and terrorists with AK-47. Many computer games, video games, and rap songs featuring the AK-47. Toy makers and industry also produces millions of replica airsoft AK-47.


Kalashnikov variants include:
  1. AK-47 1948-51, 7.62 x 39 mm - the earliest models, which menggunkan stamped receiver type 1, and has been very rare.
  2. AK-47 in 1952, 7.62 x 39 mm - Using the butt and the milled receiver with a wooden handle. The barrel and chrome plated bullets room to prevent corrosion. Weight 4.2 kg rifle.
  3. AKS-47 - Using the downward folding stock like the butt of the German MP40.
  4. RPK, 7.62 x 39 mm - machine gun version, with a longer barrel and bipod.
  5. AKM, 7.62 x 39 mm - more simple and lighter than the AK-47; using Type 4 receiver made from stamped sheet metal. Weight dropped to 3.61 kg, because the lighter receiver.
  6. AKMS, 7.62 x 39 mm - Version that uses folding stock AKM down or sideways.
  7. AKMSU, 7.62 x 39 mm - short version of which uses folding stock AKM down. Barrel length 35 cm.
  8. Series AK-74, 5.45 x 39 mm - See main article.
  9. AK-101 Series, 5.56 x 45 mm - See main article.
  10. AK-103 Series, 7.62 x 39 mm - See main article.
  11. AK-107/108 Series - See the main article.

In 1978, the Soviet Union began to replace the AK-47 and AKM with a newer design, the AK-74.

Production outside of Russia

Romanian-made AKM, AIM. Receiver Type 4A.

CBC AK / PMK artificial Poland. Receiver Type 3A.

CBC AKS / PKMS artificial Poland. Receiver Type 3B.

CBC-made Ak PNG60 Poland.
With a grenade launcher and fired a grenade magazen special. Receiver Type 3A.

Listed only the military variant. Summary of the information contained in the book Poyer, The AK-47 and AK-74 Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations.
State Varian
Albania is not known.
Bulgaria CCA (Type 3 AK-47), AKKS (Type 3 with side folding stock)
AKKMS (AKMS) AKKN-47 (can be mounted shooting night NPSU)
AK-47M1 (Type 3 with black polymer replaces the wood)
AK-47MA1/AR-M1 (same as M1, but using 5.56-mm bullets NATO)
AKS-47M1 (AKMS uses 5.56 mm NATO), AKS-47MA1
(same by AKS-47M1, but semi-automatic only)
AKS-47S (AK-47M1, short version, the East German folding stock, aiming
device laser)
AKS-47UF (short version of-M1, Russian folding stock), AR-SF
(same as - 47UF, but use the 5.56 mm NATO)
AKS-93SM6 (similar to-47M1, could not be mounted grenade launcher)
RKKS, AKT-47 (rifle training, .22)
East German MPI-K (AK-47), MPI-KS (AKS), MPI-KM (AKM), MPI-KMS72 (AKMS)
Egyptian AK-47, MISR 7.62 (AKM), Maadi
Hungarian AKM-63, AMD-65, AMD-65M, AMMSZ, AMP, NGM 5.56
Iraqi Tabuk (M70B1, and M70AB2)
Sniper Rifle Tabuk (M70B1 with 23.6-inch barrel, tool optical view finder,
and special butt)
Myanmar MA1, MA4 (based on China-made, using caliber bullets NATO)
North Korean Type 58a (Type 3 AK-47), Type 58B (metal folding stock), Type 68A (MWA-47), Type 68B (AKMS)
China Type 56 Rifle (not Carbine), Type 81, Type 87
Polish CBC AK / PMK (AK-47), CBC AKS / PKMS (AKS), Ak PNG60 CBC,
(AK-74 with side folding stock), KBK wz. 1996 Beryl
Romania AI (AK-47), AIS (AKS), AIM, AIMS (AKM, AKMS), AIR
Yugoslavian M70, M70A, M64 M70AB2 (AK-47 with longer barrel), M64A
(With grenade launcher), M64B (M70 with folding stock)


Russia has repeatedly said that the majority of these manufacturers produce AK-47 without a license from IZhMASh. IZhMASh own company has patented an AK-47 in 1999, and this patent should prevent the production of guns without a license.

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