Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rossi Back, the Italian TV Ratings Up 43.5 Percent

Falls in the audience along with the absence of Valentino Rossi from Italy Mugello MotoGP series was held, it proved a sharp decline. Especially when the show FIFA World Cup began, the number of spectators MotoGP series then decreased up to 50 percent. However, his condition turned quite drastically when Rossi was back competing in the German series that is equal to 43.5 percent yesterday, or as many as 5.5 million viewers. 

This research was conducted by Auditel (AC Nielsen's branch in Italy) which examines the increasing number of spectators at the Italian GP after Rossi back at the German MotoGP. Obviously this is good news for Dorna, given the increased TV ratings, which means the amount of purse money also increased in number.

Not only until the session of his races live, but he repeated the race broadcast was getting greater attention from the Italian community. If the races live session watched by 5.5 million people, instead re-broadcast session watched by 6.1 million people or an increase of 49.26 percent compared to previous series. 

Whatever the analysis of these studies, the definitive MotoGP event had been synonymous with Rossi. And this will make Dorna increasingly believe that maintaining Rossi in MotoGP is the most important steps to keep the audience in order to keep a high rating. Since Rossi's most valuable assets in MotoGP. Not believe? please compare yourself without Rossi and MotoGP when Rossi was there.

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