Friday, July 30, 2010

Dani Pedrosa Visit To Indonesia, Support Honda Racing School

Series 2 Honda Racing School (HRS), which was held at Sentul circuit, the arrival of special guests. At the invitation of PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), a team rider from Repsol Honda MotoGP, Dani Pedrosa, finally set foot in Indonesia for a special mission to support the HRS.

Surely this is a special joy for AHM, because they are able to bring classmates Pedrosa MotoGP star. Moreover, this is the first visit to Indonesia.

A. Indraputra, General Manager of Marketing Planning and Analysis Division PT AHM, said Honda racing school has spread across the world such as Spain and Japan. HRS in Indonesia has been connected with the Suzuka Racing School who will be coaching the next race.

"We have a new HRS in Indonesia is a distant level activities when compared with the HRS Japan. But we want to lead to it in the long term and HRS Indonesia is not just a hobby but the dealer will be a crater galvanized for Honda in the future, "he said.

"I am quite happy to come to Indonesia, this is the first visit to Indonesia. I am confident rider in Indonesia also have the same opportunity with all the drivers that currently exist in MotoGP," said Pedrosa.

Commitment of PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) to have a pure racer result of their own upbringing, looks more serious. This is evidenced by imported Dani Pedrosa to Indonesia which will last for two days. And when held a press conference, Tuesday (07/27) in hotel Mulia Senayan, Pedrosa ready to share his knowledge to young drivers in Indonesia.

It is expected that through the advice Dani Pedrosa will provide great motivation for the upbringing of Honda riders Racing School (HRS). Moreover Pedrosa is currently having its best performance in MotoGP event, and has nearly the same posture with the people of Indonesia. Surely racing tips and tricks from Pedrosa will be very significant.

"Dani Pedrosa height equal to the average posture of Indonesia, which is 159 cm, must be easily understood by the drivers. About how racing styles and techniques that are appropriate, because he himself has proved it in the arena of MotoGP," said Augustine Indraputra , GM Marketing Planning and Analysis Division, AHM.

An interesting enough reason for scrutiny. Moreover, Pedrosa also had complained about the problem of complying with the stability of the motorcycle rider was such a big cc.

"It's an adjustment with a big cc bike was like MotoGP, rather difficult with heights like me. Moreover, to control the motor from left to right and vice versa. But as long as we understand to manage the motor itself, it can be controlled anyway," added Pedrosa .

“It was really good fun to ride the 110cc Blade!” Pedrosa said. “Of course it has very little horsepower compared to my RC212V, but I think it’s very good for the kids to start understanding how to ride a bike, to be familiar with the gears and the necessary riding style.” Pedrosa, who lies in second place in the MotoGP World Championship, flew directly from San Francisco after last weekend’s race at Laguna Seca to the Indonesian capital Jakarta, and then travelled to Sentul, 40km south of the city.

After bringing Dani Pedrosa to give advice to students HRS, HRS next program will send students to Japan.

Two of the best students HRS this year will be sent to the Suzuka Racing School (SRS). In Japan, the SRS also become a means of training young drivers racing for ladder to the All Japan Championship.

"Later this month we will dispatch two of our students into the arena Suzuka Racing School. Because we want a young driver the results of our upbringing, also feel the rhythm of education there. Of course, so they get used to practicing with the international curriculum in the world of racing, "said Anggono Iriawan, safety riding & Sport Manager, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM).

An interesting program, providing a clear ladder event for the young drivers of Indonesia to take part in the world arena. Especially since they were introduced early with such world-class ladder program in Japan.

"Our long term vision to make this event as a world-class printer drivers, will start from here. And we're pretty sure, if laddernya correct and assisted by an experienced instructor as Noboru Ueda (former 125cc rider) and the motivation of Dani Pedrosa, it seems quite possible, "believes A. Indraputra, General Manager of Marketing Planning & Analysis Division, AHM.

This is a big step for printing AHM Honda young driver from Indonesia. Go Honda ...!

M16A1, M16A2, M4 and M16A4


From top to bottom: M16A1, M16A2, M4 and M16A4.
Type : Assault rifle
Country of origin : United States
Usage history
Period of use : 1960 -
Used by : United States, NATO, Israel, many others
On the war : the Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War
Production history
Year : 1957
Manufactured : 1960 -
Total production : Over 8 million
Length : 1006 mm (39.5 in)
Barrel Length : 508 mm (20 in)
Magazen : 5.56 x 45 mm NATO, .223 Remington
Caliber : 5.56 mm (.223 in)
Mechanism : Operation of gas, rotating bolt
Average fire : 750-900 rounds / minute
Bullet speed : 975 m / s (3200 ft / s); 930 m / s (3050 ft / s)
Effective range : 550 m
Ammunition : Magazen short and long 30-grain 150-grain

M16 is a rifle made in the United States. Using the M16 x 45 mm bullets NATO 5:56. This rifle is used as the main assault rifle in the infantry wear the United States since 1967. M16 is also used by 15 other NATO countries, and is a 5:56-mm-caliber rifle the most widely produced. M16 assault rifle that is lightweight, 5:56 mm caliber, air-cooled, gas operated system, use magazen, and use the rotating bolt. M16 is made of iron, aluminum and plastic composite.

There are four main versions of the M16. The first is the M16, which was followed by the M16A1, which uses U.S. bullets M193/M196. This M16 can ditembakan on the choice of semi-automatic or fully-automatic. The second was the M16A2, which came into use around 1980. M16A2 using the Belgian-designed M855/M856 cartridge (and then made the NATO standards 5:56 x 45 mm). M16A2 can be fired semi-automatic and three-point burst. The latter is the M16A4, which became the standard for the U.S. Marines during Operation Iraqi Freedom, replacing the M16A2.


In 1948, U.S. Army civilian agency established the Office of Operations Research (Operations Research Office, oro). One of them is the first study analyzing more than three million reports of World War II field. The conclusion that they can is that most of the fighting occurred at close range. At war with high mobility, combat teams often encounter the enemy suddenly, and the party that has the ability to shoot most is who won. They also found that the probability of a random shot at the actual battle only - that is, accurately aiming not so influential, since the target does not dwell on the place. In addition, large-caliber bullets used in rifles that time was also not suitable because it is too big and heavy, what is needed is a bullet with a smaller caliber.

This research is seen by Colonel René Studler, Head of Research and Development, U.S. Army Light Weapons. Studler Colonel then asked for Aberdeen Proving Ground to make a statement about the smaller-caliber bullets. A team led by Donald Hall, director of development at Aberdeen, reported that the bullets the size of 0.22 inches (5.59 mm) will be the same effect with a large caliber bullet in the battle. Members of his team, particularly William C. Davis, Jr.. and G.A. Gustafson, began to develop an experiment bullets .224 inch (5.69 mm). But in 1955, their funding request was rejected.

A new study, Salvo Project, created to find a suitable design of the weapon used in actual battle. Salvo project run in 1953 up to 1957 in two phases. Salvo I concluded that a gun that fired four bullets into the 0.5-meter area will double the possibility of taxable on semi-automatic rifle.

In phase II Salvo, conducted weapons testing concepts. Irwin Barr of AAI Corporation introduced a series of weapons like arrows with bullets, ranging from shotgun shells containing 32 arrows, until the guns with bullets arrows. Winchester and Springfield offered a lot of weapons with the barrel, and Oro offers a .308 Winchester or .30-06 cartridge, which contains two .22 caliber bullets, .25 or .27.

Eugene Stoner

The first variant of the AR-10.

In 1954 Eugene Stoner's weapons company, ArmaLite, participate in the tender selection penganti M1 Garand rifle. Guns they make are the AR-10 rifles. AR-10, including sophisticated when compared to other rifles tested. Weighing 900 grams lighter than the others, the fit is also not lose. However, this gun was sent for testing in late 1956, at the time, testing the other guns had entered in year two, and AR-10 is the new rifles among the rifles that have been developed more deeply. And in 1957 in penegetesan, the barrel of an AR-10 prototypes were broken, which directly resulted in rejection of the AR-10 design is. Finally accepted the rifle is designed T44, which was named M14. Even so, ArmaLite later will develop a new rifle based on the AR-10 rifle was.


AR-15 rifle.

In 1957, a copy of the 1955 funding request to hand Gustafson General Willard Wyman, commander of the U.S. Continental Army Command (U.S. Continental Army Command, CONARC). He immediately formed a team for caliber .22 bullets experimental development (5.6 mm).

General Wyman once impressed by a demonstration of the AR-10, privately suggested to participate in the tender ArmaLite rifle using bullets 5:56 mm. The draft submitted ArmaLite, AR-15, AR-10 form of adapted and reduced in size. The design is based on the M1 Carbine Winchester, and Springfield did not come to give their designs, because they do not want to divert resources from the T44 project. But ultimately, the AR-15 outperformed all other designs.

At that time, the parent company ArmaLite, Fairchild, has spent $ 1.45 million for the development, and resulted in Fairchild leave the small arms industry. Copyright AR-15 and then sold to Colt firearms in December 1959, with the price of $ 75,000 in cash and 4.5% royalty of sales.

Adoption M16

M16A1 rifle.

M16A2 with M203 grenade launcher.

In November 1964, the United States Army ordered 85 000 AR-15 is modified, and given the name XM16E1, for the experiment. United States Air Force also ordered 19 000 unmodified, named the M16. And a year later AU was officially received the first M16.

After that the United States Army began to arm the infantry with rifles XM16E1 (named M16), but the rifles was given without adequate cleaning equipment. In addition, the United States Army also failed to produce a bullet 5:56 mm as specified by the manufacturer, coupled with the composition of gunpowder dirubahnya used. 5:56 mm ammunition turned out to damage the contents of this new rifle, and firing characteristics increase the likelihood of congestion M16.

In 1966, XM16E1 reaches the United States Army in Vietnam, and began to appear reports of damage and congestion M16 rifle. Although M14 has a barrel and chrome-coated bullets room, M16/XM16E1 not. Given the reports about the soldiers who died for the weapon jams, began the investigation by Congress, whose results question the ability of 5:56 mm guns and bullets.

On the basis of the investigation, XM16E1 then modified into a M16A1, which has been given a layer of chrome, and adjusted to the Army's munitions output. Besides these new guns also have the cleaning device. The Army recently ordered 840 000 rifle on February 28, 1967. Also conducted intensive training programs to train rifles cleaning, and a comic book-shaped manual was distributed to the soldiers.


M16 receivers are made of aluminum. Barrel, bolt and bolt carrier is made of iron. Butt and the handle is made of plastic. M16 early models including the lightweight, weighing 2.9 kg, much lighter than the rifles in the 1950s and 1960s. And also lighter than the AK-47 which weighs about 5 kg. And M16A2 variants of the newer weight increases, ie to 3.9 kg.

Current models (M16A4) has a receiver design for "flat-top", equipped with a Picatinny mounting rails, which makes users can install the tool normal viewfinder, optical viewfinder as well as tools such as telescopes and night vision.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Proven Wrong, Ferrari fined $ 100,000 dollars

Once analyzed by the FIA and Stewards of the controversial victory achieved by Fernando Alonso at the German Hockenheim F1 series in 2010, Ferrari finally proven to have team orders, and imposed a fine of USD $ 100,000 dollars (IDR 911 million in current exchange rate). But the decision to give a penalty of $ 100 thousand is, not to change the current race results. And the process will proceed to WMSC (motorsport world court). 

This event was analyzed by the Stewards with the principal Ferrari, Stefano Domenicalli, team manager Massimo Rivola, along with Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa. Actually this information is only limited information only. But that information apparently was accompanied by veiled message to the masses, to give way for Alonso. 

And analysis team is evidenced by strong orders in the message from Rob Smedley about his apology to the masses. Stewards also claimed that Ferrari had violated the regulation of the International Sporting Code (ISC) of Article 39.1, on the Prohibition of team orders. 

While other articles that burdensome penalties to the Ferrari team is Article 151c, because it had soiled sportsmanship sport's most prestigious race in the world. 

However Stewards judged not technically a penalty to the team, because the right to do this is WMSC or height of motorsport world court, which is headquartered in Paris, France. 

Well, finally proved too Ferrari made a mistake on the Day of resurrection!, Whether the penalties will lead to a reduction in the constructors' points the team? I hope not granted.

Pedrosa expectations eroded in Gravel

Dani Pedrosa Although never stopped hoping to win every series that fro with Repsol Honda team, but a lack of strategy Pedrosa to win the race, making some golden opportunities should bring out in the gravel.

Included in the 2010 MotoGP Laguna Seca, which hopes to collect more points, have eroded the gravel Laguna Seca, USA.

Surely this is quite a distinct disappointment for the Spaniard. The reason is the heart wants to maintain its position as the clear winner in MotoGP Laguna Seca in the second year, Pedrosa fell in gravel because it actually hit the bumpy part of the Laguna Seca circuit.

"This incident makes me very disappointed. Though my hopes are high enough to maintain the gap with Jorge Lorenzo. And I really wanted to win the race than play it safe in every race in progress. Moreover, it was an opportunity for substantial, "said Pedrosa after the race takes place.

But Pedrosa did not want to drag on too long in sadness at Laguna Seca. He began to focus for the next series at the German MotoGP. "Currently my team and always do what we must do, to position itself as a winning team. And we promise to be back to look good in the next series, "explained Pedrosa later.

So not patiently waiting for the next series ... !

Rossi: finish 3th and Make the Best!

Valentino Rossi's second race since he returned to the track after the MotoGP Sachsenring Germany two weeks ago, finally going fro tomorrow. But will not be as easy as in the German MotoGP, Laguna Seca circuit character seems to be a major obstacle for Rossi. Moreover, this circuit is famous for wringing a lot of energy and concentration. 

And this was proven during several sessions have been held up to race qualifying session. Rossi can not do much to score the fastest time in there. Despite his team mate Jorge Lorenzo manages to look pretty slick and grabbed pole position for the second time at Laguna Seca, but Rossi could only let go, because the track is quite challenging. 

"I think the race will last even harder tomorrow than to races at the Sachsenring circuit in Germany. But I hope to be able to do race well. I know there are some corners of strategic enough to overtake the opponent, so we'll make a few changes to enable this setting, "explained Rossi. 

Besides revealing that he'd be in trouble when the race, Rossi also had the chance to vent about the shoulder injury that still carries to this day. Injury obtained while doing these exercises motocross, apparently still a big problem to improve their performance better. 

"The problem now is actually located on the shoulder injury. Because part of my left shoulder is not too strong to resist excessive weight and gravitational forces. And now also the top-right shoulder began to ache. My only target is important to finish the race and do our best tomorrow, "Rossi explained later. 

Indeed the characters are quite difficult at Laguna Seca becomes severe hindrance to the legend. But desperate to win the race remains a high flame. Can Fiat Yamaha team provides the best package for Rossi to reduce the difference in points in the standings? 

Although do not any target Valentino Rossi Laguna Seca MotoGP to the USA who just took place, but Italian drivers get a good result when the race took place, namely the third podium. Of course, this became one of his best victories, given his physical condition is still not fit and he was able to show the best battles with rivals.

The day before the race session progresses, Rossi has been estimated that the session will run pretty hard race for him. Because at the time qualifying session, Rossi was felt on the shoulder injury, was enough to influence performance. Rossi had to fight the complex, having to struggle against his own injury, and struggled against to excel in the points standings.

"Pain in my shoulder injury worsened. I'm getting sick everywhere, and I need enough time to improve my position. Because the character of this circuit is to be supported with a fit body condition. And this is a good result for me. It was like winning the race, "Rossi said in delight.

Unfortunately Rossi has not been explained about the recovery plan will be fro in the near future. Yup, for the next series in Brno, will probably witness a return to fight with teammate Rossi. So, we wait for the preparation of the MotoGP legend.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lorenzo Win With Perfect in USA

After winning pole position was perfect in qualifying session a day earlier, Jorge Lorenzo finally won the race with quite perfect at Laguna Seca, USA. This victory represents the first victory on American soil Lorenzo. No wonder if he even did a unique celebration, to indicate that the Laguna Seca circuit is now a colony. 

First podium was achieved by Lorenzo this time, it can be predicted earlier. The reason other than the qualifying session, Lorenzo also became the fastest in warm-up session this morning (time Laguna Seca). Unfortunately he started the race with less aggressive, and had to fight extra hard whip the main podium. 

Finish in second place, Casey Stoner also has satisfactory performance. Although he was not able to provide direct resistance and fierce fighting with Lorenzo, but Stoner was quite happy because it is still capable of securing second place. 

What exactly are the struggles over third place. Where for the first time, Valentino Rossi can appear aggressive and overtake the back Andrea Dovizioso who could take his place on the last lap. Surely this is the result of an extensive common, considering Rossi also asserted that his condition is still not fit, especially on the shoulder. 

Then in one after another by Dovizioso in fourth position and the duo's American rider Nicky Hayden and Ben Spies in the fifth and sixth places. 

The unfortunate fate suffered by Dani Pedrosa. While he was leading in front Lorenzo, he was dropped because of loss of balance. Though Lorenzo opportunity to repeat duel at Sachsenring last week, is big enough. As a result Pedrosa could only bite the fingers, because he could not continue the race again. 

Results MotoGP Laguna Seca, USA 2010: 
1. Jorge Lorenzo Fiat Yamaha Team 43m ESP 54 873 seconds 
2. Casey Stoner AUS Ducati Marlboro Team 58.39 Seconds 43m 
3. Valentino Rossi ITA Fiat Yamaha Team 8293 seconds 44m 
4. Andrea Dovizioso ITA Repsol Honda Team 9061 seconds 44m 
5. Nicky Hayden USA Ducati Marlboro Team 9474 seconds 44m 
6. Ben Spies USA Tech 3 Yamaha Monster 44m 13.91 seconds 
7. Colin Edwards USA Tech 3 Yamaha Monster 44m 35 594 seconds 
8. Marco Melandri ITA Gresini Honda San Carlo 44m 42 092 seconds 
9. Mika Kallio FIN 47 686 seconds Pramac Racing 44m 
10. Loris Capirossi ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP 47 687 seconds 44m 
11. Roger Lee Hayden USA Honda LCR MotoGP 8962 seconds 45m 
12. Alex de Angelis RSM Honda MotoGP 45m Interwetten 9539 seconds 

Not finished: 
Aleix Espargaro Pramac Racing ESP 
Marco Simoncelli San Carlo Honda Gresini ITA 
Dani Pedrosa Repsol Honda Team ESP 998m 0s 
Hector Barbera ESP paginas Amarillas Aspar 
Alvaro Bautista ESP Rizla Suzuki MotoGP

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Winning Alonso, duo Ferrari finish 1-2

Fernando Alonso's promise to return to the main podium finally came true as well after struggling in the German Hockenheim F1 series in 2010. Although this victory was in the dramatization, but it is important for Ferrari to catch up in the standings. And even this result is evidence that Ferrari will again be a strong team in a half season in 2010 which is running until the end of the year. 

Alonso's performance was actually quite qualified, he is even capable of scoring the fastest time a few times throughout the race underway. Consistency was proved that he deserved to win races in Germany. But when Felipe Massa impose its will, it seems Alonso takes more hard work in order to pass. Hmm, fair if the engineer of the Ferrari team orders imposed on the race team this time.

And this occurs when the lap-48, are hidden Rob Smedley gave a warning to the masses. That Alonso had the fastest time compared to the masses. This means that the masses must give way to his team mate. Furthermore Smedley also had to apologize to Massa after the incident.

This incident also makes Massa had to settle for finishing in second place. Massa was lucky not to look a little annoyed that followed disalip by Vettel quickly. Ferrari had collected enough points in this series.

While Sebastian Vettel who started the race from the first position, seemed to have suffered a loss twice. The reason is when he began the race, Vettel looks like blocking Alonso. And this makes Massa sped not impeded. Moreover, Alonso did not work well blocked by Vettel, so that Vettel had to settle for finishing in third place.

Then close the two position behind Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button appeared to play safe. Hamilton was lucky that also had given warning to anticipate the depleted fuel, not disalip by a teammate.

Finally, this result proves that Ferrari are still able to win races, and again prove that team orders are still valid for all drivers who were in them. Nice boss orders ...!

F1 Hockenheim Germany 2010:
1. Spain's Fernando Alonso Ferrari Ferrari 1hr 27m 38 864 seconds 67lap
2. Felipe Massa Brazil Ferrari-Ferrari +00 m 04.1 seconds
3. Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault Germany +00 m 05.1 seconds
4. Lewis Hamilton Britain McLaren-Mercedes +00 m 26.8 seconds
5. Jenson Button Britain, McLaren-Mercedes +00 m 29.4 seconds
6. Mark Webber Australia Red Bull-Renault +00 m 43.6 seconds
7. Poland's Robert Kubica Renault-Renault +1 lap
8. Nico Rosberg Germany Mercedes-Mercedes +1 lap
9. Michael Schumacher, Germany, Mercedes-Mercedes +1 lap
10. Vitaly Petrov, Russian Renault-Renault +1 lap
11. Japan Kamui Kobayashi BMW Sauber-Ferrari +1 lap
12. Rubens Barrichello Brazil Williams-Cosworth +1 lap
13. Nico Hulkenberg Germany Williams-Cosworth +1 lap
14. Pedro de la Rosa Spain BMW Sauber-Ferrari +1 lap
15. Jaime Alguersuari Spain Toro Rosso-Ferrari +1 lap
16. Vitantonio Liuzzi Italy Force India-Mercedes +2 laps
17. Adrian Sutil Germany Force India-Mercedes +2 laps
18. Virgin Germany Timo Glock-Cosworth +3 laps
19. Brazilian Bruno Senna HRT-Cosworth +4 laps

Not finished:
Heikki Kovalainen Finland Lotus-Cosworth 56 laps
Lucas in Brazil Virgin Grassi-Cosworth 50 laps
Sakon Yamamoto Japan HRT-Cosworth 19 laps
Jarno Trulli Italy Lotus-Cosworth 3 laps
Sebastien Buemi Switzerland Toro Rosso-Ferrari 0 laps

Fastest Lap:
Germany Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault 1m 15.824s 67 laps

Lorenzo beat Stoner in the Final Qualifying

Domination Jorge Lorenzo in the qualifying session seemed more powerful when he is able to achieve the best results in the second qualifying session this morning. And the result Lorenzo succeeded pecundangi Casey Stoner in the final qualifying session to record a significant time. Lorenzo secures pole position with one minute 20 978 seconds. 

With this result, Lorenzo finally tercepatnya own record compared with the fastest time that he achieved last year in the same session. Unfortunately he has not managed to break the record for the fastest time achieved by Stoner in 2008 and is one minute 20 700 seconds. But this time Lorenzo became the only rider to achieve the fastest time of one minute 20 seconds.

Stoner, who at first turns grabbed the fastest time with Lorenzo, eventually had to be satisfied to start the race from second position. He was on the kick by Lorenzo at the end of the session, and could not fix the journey took longer time records. Stoner's fastest time this time scored one minute 21 169 seconds.

Repsol Honda Team rider duo was also never be separated from the third and fourth positions. But this time the results are similar to FP1 session. Where Andrea Dovizioso ahead of teammate Dani Pedrosa by one minute 21 617 seconds. Although not able to mess up the two leading drivers, but this position is quite favorable for the Repsol Honda duo.

While the Captain America of Ben Spies, could only secure the fifth starting position. Then followed by Valentino Rossi will tidka predicted maximal at this time MotoGP USA. Is Laguna Seca could be "The Next Lorenzo` s Land "? do not miss the broadcast direct from Laguna Seca, USA tomorrow morning.

MotoGP qualification results Laguna Seca, USA 2010:
1. Jorge Lorenzo Fiat Yamaha Team 1m ESP 20 978 seconds
2. Casey Stoner AUS Ducati Marlboro Team 1m 21 169 seconds
3. Andrea Dovizioso ITA Repsol Honda Team 1m 21 617 seconds
4. Dani Pedrosa Repsol Honda Team 1m ESP 21 655 seconds
5. Ben Spies USA Tech 3 Yamaha Monster 1m 21 679 seconds
6. Valentino Rossi ITA Fiat Yamaha Team 1m 21 688 seconds
7. Nicky Hayden USA Ducati Marlboro Team 1m 21 920 seconds
8. Colin Edwards USA Tech 3 Yamaha Monster 1m 22 217 seconds
9. Marco Simoncelli San Carlo Honda Gresini ITA 22 300 seconds 1m
10. Hector Barbera paginas Amarillas Aspar 1m ESP 22 366 seconds
11. Marco Melandri ITA Gresini Honda San Carlo 1m 22 407 seconds
12. Loris Capirossi ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP 1m 22 647 seconds
13. Aleix Espargaro Pramac Racing 1m ESP 22 712 seconds
14. Alvaro Bautista Rizla Suzuki MotoGP 1m ESP 22 770 seconds
15. Mika Kallio FIN 23 127 seconds Pramac Racing 1m
16. Alex de Angelis RSM Honda MotoGP Interwetten 1m 23 226 seconds
17. Roger Lee Hayden USA LCR Honda MotoGP 1m 23 764 seconds

Saturday, July 24, 2010

AK-47 Legendary weapon

AK-47 (below the data to an AK-47 Type 1)
Type: Assault rifle
Country of origin: Soviet Union
Usage history
Used: 1949 -
Users: Soviet Union, many others
Production history
Designer: Mikhail Kalashnikov
Year: 1947
Total: Above 100 million
Variants: See Variants
Weight: 4.3 kg
Length: 870 mm (34 ¼ inch)
Length of barrel: 415 mm (16.3 inches)
Bullets: 7.62 x 39 mm
Mechanism: Operation of gas, rotating bolt
Kec. fire: 600 rounds / minute
Kec. bullet: 710 m / s
Effective range: 300 m
Filling: Magazen box 30 grain,
Boxes Magazen RPK 40 points,
RPK drum Magazen 75 points
Sights: iron sight

AK-47 Type 2, the first variant that uses the type of machined receivers.

AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947 stands, Russia: Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года) is an assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, produced by Russian arms makers IZhMASh, and is used by many Eastern bloc countries during the Cold War. This rifle was adopted and became the standard rifle of the Soviet Union in 1947. [2] Compared with the gun used during World War II, the AK-47 has a smaller size, with a shorter range, wearing a bullet with 7.62 x 39 caliber mm smaller, and have the option of a shot (selective-fire). AK-47 assault rifles, including one of the first and remains a most assault rifles produced.

During World War II, Germany created the concept of an assault rifle. This concept is based on the experience that more modern battles occurred at a short distance away, which is about 100 meters. Power and range of the bullet at that moment was too big. So, Germany began to develop bullets and guns that have the nature of Submachine Gun (content magazen much and can shoot full-automatic) with a bullet that can reach up to 300 meters. To reduce manufacturing costs, this is achieved by shortened bullet 7.92 x 57 mm Mauser into 33mm size is 7.92 x 33mm Kurz (Kurz means short).

The end result, Sturmgewehr 44, was not the first gun that uses this concept; before Italy and the Soviet Union had a similar design concept. However, Germany was the first to mass produce their rifles. Germany many use their new guns to deal with the Soviets on the Eastern Front. The experience of the Soviet Union against Germany impacted the Soviet doctrine in the following years.

Based on Soviet doctrine, began to think of Mikhail Kalashnikov rifle design since the hospital, after being wounded in battle in Brysansk. He had been informed that a new weapon is being sought, for use with 7.62 x 41 mm bullets made by Elisarov and Semin in 1943. But this time, the defeat against the Kalashnikov design Sudayev design, namely PPS43. Kalashnikov designed his first change after he learned StG44 Germany in 1946. Because the design is quite impressive, Kalashnikov and was chosen to lead a design team.

Concept design

Although similar, Mikhail Kalashnikov denies that its design is based on the German StG44. AK-47 as a mixture rather than innovations in previous years. For example, mechanical AK-47 is more like the M1 Garand rifles than Germany. Double locking lugs, unlocking raceway, and trigger mechanism is very aesthetically similar to American design. This is perfectly reasonable, given that millions of the M1 Garand has been successfully used in all corners of the world. Although mechanically similar to the M1 Garand rifle, the bullet concept, layout components, gas system, and method of assembling an AK-47 clearly similar to StG44.

AK-47 is a genius, that the most appropriate design for mass production. So AK-47 managed to combine excellence with StG44 M1 Garand, and can be produced quickly by the Soviet Union at that time.

Receiver development

AK-47 Type 3A (top), its predecessor, the SKS rifle.

AKMS with a Type 4B receiver (top), and AK-47 with a Type 2A.

Initially the production of receivers (rifles body section that contains the firing mechanism), encountering many problems. The first production model receiver made from stamped sheet (print iron) sheet metal. The problem encountered is the difficulty of welding the guide and ejector railing, which eventually caused the number of rejection. But this problem does not stop production, as their resolution, stamped sheet metal receiver is replaced with milled receiver (formed with the tool / special machine). This process is more expensive, but fortunately the tools and the workers needed are available, previously used for the production of Mosin-Nagant. Because of these problems, the new Soviet Union could distribute these guns extensively in 1956. At the same time, the production of precursor of AK-47 rifles, SKS, still continues.

After the production problems were resolved, in 1959 a new plan was formulated and named AKM (M for the modernization-in Russian: Автомат Калашникова Модернизированный). These new models use stamped sheet metal receiver and featured a muzzle break at the end of the barrel to reduce recoil. Also added are also retaining the hammer (hammer bat bullets) so that the rifle can shoot well on the choice of fully-automatic gunfire. This new model is lighter than the earlier model, about two-thirds of their initial weight. The majority of the production of Kalashnikov rifles outside Russia, with a license or without license, use this MCA model, due to easier production of the stamped receiver. This model is the most ubiquitous and produced worldwide. However, almost all man-made Kalashnikov rifles commonly called the AK-47, this is wrong, because the AK-47 rifles only is the use of three receivers of the earliest models. Figure in addition to showing the differences between the milled receiver AK-47 Type 2, with a stamped receiver AKM Type 4, for example, use screws instead of welding, as well as small differences in the dimples magazen.

Receiver Type Explanation
Type 1A / B stamped receiver AK-47. -1B modified for folding stock.
Namely, a hole is present on both sides, to be installed folding stock
downward. (Naming B remains the same for the next)
Type 2A / B Using machined iron.
Type 3A / B version of "final" milled receiver, made of steel. AK-47 Receiver
most ubiquitous.
Type 4A / B AKM stamped receiver. Design of the most widely used in


AK-47 rifle that is simple, not expensive to produce, and easily cleaned and maintained. Famous legendary durability and reliability. Large gas piston, generous clearances between moving mechanical parts, and design of the bullet, make the AK-47 can still shoot with it smoothly, although the component is filled with dirt or foreign objects. But reliability is a little sacrifice of accuracy, because the large tolerances on mechanical parts does not guarantee the accuracy and consistency found on the rifles are more accurate.

AK-47 behind shooting can be arranged, with setting the distance that the difference is 100 meters respectively. The front sight is adjustable for elevation in the field. And arranged in horizontal settings armory before given to the user. The battle setting places the round within a few centimeters above or below the point of aim, at a distance of 250 meters. Settings "point-blank range" is used so that the shooter does not need to change the settings of the appliance shoot at close range. Such settings similar to those used for Mosin-Nagant and SKS, to facilitate the transition and training.

The barrel room hallway and bullets, and gas piston and the cylinder interior gas used AK-47 coated with chrome. This helps to prolong the life of these tools, because it prevents corrosion and rust. And this is very important, given ammunition to the 20th century often contain mercury, corrosive elements, which require regular cleaning to prevent damage. Chrome plating on the important parts of the rifle is now prevalent in modern weapons.

Influence of culture

During the Cold War, Soviet Union, China, and the United States provides equipment and technology to countries of their allies, along with the rebel forces they support. In the time that happens the massive spread of the AK-47 by the Soviet Union and China to countries and groups of pro-communists, such as the Nicaraguan Sandinistas and Viet Cong. AK-47 design was distributed to 55 armed forces of the world.

The spread of the AK-47 is not only seen from the numbers alone, the AK-47 is in the flag and coat of arms of Mozambique. There are also the symbol of Burkina Faso, and the flag of Hezbollah. "Kalash", shorthand for "Kalashnikov", is used as a boy in several countries in Africa.

In America, filmmakers often arming criminals and terrorists with AK-47. Many computer games, video games, and rap songs featuring the AK-47. Toy makers and industry also produces millions of replica airsoft AK-47.


Kalashnikov variants include:
  1. AK-47 1948-51, 7.62 x 39 mm - the earliest models, which menggunkan stamped receiver type 1, and has been very rare.
  2. AK-47 in 1952, 7.62 x 39 mm - Using the butt and the milled receiver with a wooden handle. The barrel and chrome plated bullets room to prevent corrosion. Weight 4.2 kg rifle.
  3. AKS-47 - Using the downward folding stock like the butt of the German MP40.
  4. RPK, 7.62 x 39 mm - machine gun version, with a longer barrel and bipod.
  5. AKM, 7.62 x 39 mm - more simple and lighter than the AK-47; using Type 4 receiver made from stamped sheet metal. Weight dropped to 3.61 kg, because the lighter receiver.
  6. AKMS, 7.62 x 39 mm - Version that uses folding stock AKM down or sideways.
  7. AKMSU, 7.62 x 39 mm - short version of which uses folding stock AKM down. Barrel length 35 cm.
  8. Series AK-74, 5.45 x 39 mm - See main article.
  9. AK-101 Series, 5.56 x 45 mm - See main article.
  10. AK-103 Series, 7.62 x 39 mm - See main article.
  11. AK-107/108 Series - See the main article.

In 1978, the Soviet Union began to replace the AK-47 and AKM with a newer design, the AK-74.

Production outside of Russia

Romanian-made AKM, AIM. Receiver Type 4A.

CBC AK / PMK artificial Poland. Receiver Type 3A.

CBC AKS / PKMS artificial Poland. Receiver Type 3B.

CBC-made Ak PNG60 Poland.
With a grenade launcher and fired a grenade magazen special. Receiver Type 3A.

Listed only the military variant. Summary of the information contained in the book Poyer, The AK-47 and AK-74 Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations.
State Varian
Albania is not known.
Bulgaria CCA (Type 3 AK-47), AKKS (Type 3 with side folding stock)
AKKMS (AKMS) AKKN-47 (can be mounted shooting night NPSU)
AK-47M1 (Type 3 with black polymer replaces the wood)
AK-47MA1/AR-M1 (same as M1, but using 5.56-mm bullets NATO)
AKS-47M1 (AKMS uses 5.56 mm NATO), AKS-47MA1
(same by AKS-47M1, but semi-automatic only)
AKS-47S (AK-47M1, short version, the East German folding stock, aiming
device laser)
AKS-47UF (short version of-M1, Russian folding stock), AR-SF
(same as - 47UF, but use the 5.56 mm NATO)
AKS-93SM6 (similar to-47M1, could not be mounted grenade launcher)
RKKS, AKT-47 (rifle training, .22)
East German MPI-K (AK-47), MPI-KS (AKS), MPI-KM (AKM), MPI-KMS72 (AKMS)
Egyptian AK-47, MISR 7.62 (AKM), Maadi
Hungarian AKM-63, AMD-65, AMD-65M, AMMSZ, AMP, NGM 5.56
Iraqi Tabuk (M70B1, and M70AB2)
Sniper Rifle Tabuk (M70B1 with 23.6-inch barrel, tool optical view finder,
and special butt)
Myanmar MA1, MA4 (based on China-made, using caliber bullets NATO)
North Korean Type 58a (Type 3 AK-47), Type 58B (metal folding stock), Type 68A (MWA-47), Type 68B (AKMS)
China Type 56 Rifle (not Carbine), Type 81, Type 87
Polish CBC AK / PMK (AK-47), CBC AKS / PKMS (AKS), Ak PNG60 CBC,
(AK-74 with side folding stock), KBK wz. 1996 Beryl
Romania AI (AK-47), AIS (AKS), AIM, AIMS (AKM, AKMS), AIR
Yugoslavian M70, M70A, M64 M70AB2 (AK-47 with longer barrel), M64A
(With grenade launcher), M64B (M70 with folding stock)


Russia has repeatedly said that the majority of these manufacturers produce AK-47 without a license from IZhMASh. IZhMASh own company has patented an AK-47 in 1999, and this patent should prevent the production of guns without a license.

Alonso fastest in FP2 Time Brush

Fernando Alonso finally able achieve fastest time with the track conditions almost identical to the first practice session. Only this time the circuit condition slowly began to dry up, and make the drivers can see each car's performance. And Alonso can be shot with a fairly easy and dominate the fastest time by one minute 16 265 seconds. 

Obviously the fastest time is quite meaningful for the Ferrari team, considering they've made several changes in their immobilized pad. Unfortunately, the strategies and tricks to make progress during race driver duo could not finish in the leading sequence. But with results this time FP2, Alonso is confident with the car's performance. 

Sebastian Vettel followed in second place which was initially only be perched at the 11th position, this time began to find the best rhythm on his car. Despite the rivalry between he and his teammate is still quite hard, but attacks from the Ferrari team should be aware of the drivers on Red Bull. This time Vettel fastest time is only able to score one minute 16 294 seconds. 

Not wanting to let his team mate fight alone, Felipe Massa was followed in third position with a fairly convincing. Massa scored the fastest time by one minute 16 438 seconds. Then followed by Mark Webber in fourth position with the fastest time one minute 16 585 seconds. 

Results FP2 Heckenheim German F1 2010: 
1. Spain's Fernando Alonso Ferrari-Ferrari 1m 16 265 seconds 
2. Germany Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault 1m 16 294 seconds 
3. Felipe Massa Brazil Ferrari-Ferrari 1m 16 438 seconds 
4. Mark Webber Australia Red Bull-Renault 1m 16 585 seconds 
5. Nico Rosberg Germany Mercedes-Mercedes 1m 16 827 seconds 
6. Michael Schumacher, Germany, Mercedes-Mercedes 1m 16 971 seconds 
7. Lewis Hamilton Britain McLaren-Mercedes 1m 17 004 seconds 
8. Poland's Robert Kubica Renault-Renault 1m 17 009 seconds 
9. Brazilian Rubens Barrichello 1m Williams-Cosworth 17 056 seconds 
10. Nico Hulkenberg Germany Williams-Cosworth 1m 17 204 seconds 
11. Japan Kamui Kobayashi BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1m 17 336 seconds 
12. Vitaly Petrov, Russian Renault-Renault 1m 17 547 seconds 
13. Pedro de la Rosa Spain BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1m 17 573 seconds 
14. Adrian Sutil Germany Force India-Mercedes 1m 17 701 seconds 
15. Jenson Button Britain, McLaren-Mercedes 1m 17 739 seconds 
16. Vitantonio Liuzzi Italy Force India-Mercedes 1m 17 871 seconds 
17. Sebastien Buemi Toro Rosso-Ferrari Switzerland 1m 18 147 seconds 
18. Jaime Alguersuari Spain Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1m 19 327 seconds 
19. Timo Glock Germany Virgin-Cosworth 1m 19 553 seconds 
20. Jarno Trulli Italy 1m Lotus-Cosworth 20 008 seconds 
21. Lucas in Brazil Virgin Grassi-Cosworth 1m 20 106 seconds 
22. Heikki Kovalainen Finland Lotus-Cosworth 1m 20 377 seconds 
23. Brazilian Bruno Senna HRT-Cosworth 1m 21 988 seconds 
24. Sakon Yamamoto Japan HRT-Cosworth 1m 23 066 seconds

Pedrosa Not Worried By their performance

First day of MotoGP practice session at Laguna Seca, the position of Dani Pedrosa is still in the ranks of top rider with the fastest time. But alas, he was 0.3 seconds behind his team mate Andrea Dovizioso and can not do much. Though the crew team has been doing the best settings in accordance with the character of the circuit.

In the early practice sessions, direct Pedrosa raced pretty well. Unfortunately increasing tercepatnya time records are not accompanied by increased motor performance from lap to lap. So that the Spaniard could only secure the fourth fastest time until the end of the session.

"After the first session held at FP1, we made some changes to the settings on motorcycles. Unfortunately we did not find the right result and good to be the fastest. The back still feels to lose grip and the front still feels less stable. But I do not worry, because from here we could improve motor performance in accordance with what we wanted, "explained Pedrosa.

Yup, it usually does rarely shows tajinya Pedrosa on the first practice session. But with the increasing adaptation to the circuit and based on existing data, Pedrosa crew team can quickly adapt to what is desired by drivers. So we'll see the proof.

Stoner Open First Opportunity at Laguna Seca

Struggling without the know give up and still dreaming of the beautiful stands in the main poium, such a thing to be optimistic Casey Stoner. Although initially able to be the fastest and ultimately defeated by his rival with relative ease. But it started the USA MotoGP, Stoner's pretty tough to be the fastest. 

Stoner became the fastest of all the best drivers on the first day of training sessions, is because the setup is really quite adjusted to the character of the circuit. Moreover, Stoner has beautiful memories in this circuit, with MotoGP USA 2007 winner and runner up in 2008. This time securing Stoner fastest time one minute 21 699 seconds. 

Jorge Lorenzo who predicted would play, so there does not seem safe. He was still able to provide fierce resistance to Stoner in the fastest time of acquisition. Unfortunately the fastest time Lorenzo, still lost 0.3 seconds behind Stoner. Lorenzo only capable of scoring the fastest time by one minute 21 932 seconds. 

Then in the third and fourth positions Repsol Honda duo of drivers, namely Dani Pedrosa and Andrea Dovizioso provide resistance that is not great. And Dovi succeeded in becoming the third fastest driver with a one minute 22 225 seconds. And followed by Pedrosa in the final lap. 

While American drivers like Nicky Hayden and his brother Roger Lee Hayden and Colin Edwards can not seem to do much. The only American drivers are able to enter in the category 5 is the fastest rider Ben Spies. But still too early to assess their performance. 

So, we wait for the next practice session and qualifying session later. 

FP Results Friday MotoGP USA Laguna Seca 2010: 
1. Casey Stoner AUS Ducati Marlboro Team 1m 21 699 seconds 
2. Jorge Lorenzo Fiat Yamaha Team 1m ESP 21 932 seconds 
3. Andrea Dovizioso ITA Repsol Honda Team 1m 22 225 seconds 
4. Dani Pedrosa Repsol Honda Team 1m ESP 22 559 seconds 
5. Ben Spies USA Tech 3 Yamaha Monster 1m 22 640 seconds 
6. Valentino Rossi ITA Fiat Yamaha Team 1m 22 660 seconds 
7. Nicky Hayden USA Ducati Marlboro Team 1m 22 902 seconds 
8. Colin Edwards USA Tech 3 Yamaha Monster 1m 22 971 seconds 
9. Marco Melandri ITA Gresini Honda San Carlo 1m 23 021 seconds 
10. Aleix Espargaro Pramac Racing 1m ESP 23 693 seconds 
11. Mika Kallio FIN 23 825 seconds Pramac Racing 1m 
12. Marco Simoncelli San Carlo Honda Gresini ITA 24 002 seconds 1m 
13. Hector Barbera paginas Amarillas Aspar 1m ESP 24 326 seconds 
14. Alex de Angelis RSM Honda MotoGP Interwetten 1m 24 615 seconds 
15. Loris Capirossi ITA Rizla Suzuki MotoGP 1m 24 710 seconds 
16. Alvaro Bautista Rizla Suzuki MotoGP 1m ESP 25 031 seconds 
17. Roger Lee Hayden USA LCR Honda MotoGP 1m 25 432 seconds

Wet Hockenheim, Sutil Domination FP1

Great enthusiasm for the German racing driver showed the best result in F1 Hockenheim Germany, it leaves a big question for all lovers of this land a jet race. Moreover, there are some pretty great German racing driver this year. Just mention Sebastian Vettel, Adrian Sutil, Nico Rosberg and Michael Schumacher. 

But the fastest time peraihan started on the first day, Adrian Sutil manages to look stunning on the track is quite wet. Hockenheim a wet due to rain which fell during the morning, instead took the advantage for the Force India drivers. Sutil scored the fastest time by one minute 25 701 seconds. 

Then in the second position, followed by Felipe Massa with the fastest time achieve quite competitive. That is, with one minute 26 850 seconds. Although Massa is still beyond expectations to score the fastest time, but this time for FP1 session, Massa is able to prove that he counts on a wet track. 

British driver who tried to penetrate more towards the German driver, Jenson Button, still seem to find the best trick on a wet track. Button secures the fastest time by one minute 26 936 seconds. Unfortunately only the first practice session, and possible changes in the weather is still very large. 

While Vettel and Schumi still having trouble getting records fastest time. Well, if weather conditions will remain like this? We just wait. 

Results FP1 F1 Hockenheim Germany 2010: 
1. Adrian Sutil Germany Force India-Mercedes 1m 25 701 seconds 
2. Felipe Massa Brazil Ferrari-Ferrari 1m 26 850 seconds 
3. Jenson Button Britain, McLaren-Mercedes 1m 26 936 seconds 
4. Brazilian Rubens Barrichello 1m Williams-Cosworth 26 947 seconds 
5. Vitaly Petrov, Russian Renault-Renault 1m 26 948 seconds 
6. Nico Rosberg Germany Mercedes-Mercedes 1m 27 448 seconds 
7. Sebastien Buemi Toro Rosso-Ferrari Switzerland 1m 28 114 seconds 
8. Nico Hulkenberg Germany Williams-Cosworth 1m 28 193 seconds 
9. Vitantonio Liuzzi Italy Force India-Mercedes 1m 28 300 seconds 
10. Pedro de la Rosa Spain BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1m 28 486 seconds 
11. Germany Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault 1m 28 735 seconds 
12. Timo Glock Germany Virgin-Cosworth 1m 28 735 seconds 
13. Poland's Robert Kubica Renault-Renault 1m 28 903 seconds 
14. Mark Webber Australia Red Bull-Renault 1m 29 048 seconds 
15. Jarno Trulli Italy 1m Lotus-Cosworth 29 280 seconds 
16. Jaime Alguersuari Spain Toro Rosso-Ferrari 1m 29 366 seconds 
17. Lewis Hamilton Britain McLaren-Mercedes 1m 29 429 seconds 
18. Lucas in Brazil Virgin Grassi-Cosworth 1m 29 500 seconds 
19. Spain's Fernando Alonso Ferrari-Ferrari 1m 29 684 seconds 
20. Japan Kamui Kobayashi BMW Sauber-Ferrari 1m 29 690 seconds 
21. Malaysia's Fairuz Fauzy Lotus-Cosworth 1m 30 938 seconds 
22. Brazilian Bruno Senna HRT-Cosworth 1m 31 720 seconds 
23. Michael Schumacher, Germany, Mercedes-Mercedes 1m 32 450 seconds 
24. Sakon Yamamoto Japan HRT-Cosworth 1m 32 791 seconds

Dovizioso groom Yamaha Tech3 For 2011?

Following a mid-season MotoGP race in 2010, the stock exchange they have entered the race too stressful. Starting from the stronghold of Honda, Ducati, and Yamaha has also started to snatch the top class drivers to fill their squad. 

As has been rumored a few weeks ago, that stronghold of Repsol Honda's 2011 season will dperkuat by three drivers, namely, Dani Pedrosa, Andrea Dovizioso and Casey Stoner. But there are still some concerns that they will reduce the squad so two people. 

"Pedrosa and Dovizioso to give their best performance this season, but it was too much for us to retain both. But Dovizioso has a small chance for us to maintain, unless we get additional sponsors for the rich and big next season, "said HRC Vice President Shuei Nakamoto. 

Possibility of large, fixed Dovizioso Honda will be in the squad, the team moved to the Honda satellite. Considering its contribution to the development of motor RC212V. Reportedly Dovizioso will be placed in the LCR Honda team, to accompany Randy De Puniet, who will miss the next two series. 

Although Honda does not want to lose this young Italian, now there is another speculation stating that Dovizioso get a proposal from the Yamaha team to join their satellite team, Yamaha Tech3 along with American rider Ben Spies. 

However, this proposal is still just a bid to Dovizioso. It's quite a difficult choice for Dovi, both are equally satellite team. Can maintain Dovizioso Repsol Honda team, or will receive a proposal from the Yamaha? Dovi only knows....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Espargaro Can Participate in Laguna Seca

Following the incident experienced by Aleix Espargaro in MotoGP Germany Sachsenring ago, it was claimed by Spaniard broke his C7 vertebrae in the spine. But after being checked in more detail, Espargaro allowed to follow the series Laguna Seca. Because there are indications of damage to the C7 vertebrae bones, are not true. Team doctor even explained that the pain simply because ordinary bruise.

Good news is certainly very useful for Espargaro, because when appearing in Germany he hoped to get more points, it must end with the incident. And this makes Espargaro more pleased, because in fact he did not have any injury is indicated by the team doctor earlier.

"Fortunately, the results of the examination, the doctors said that I did not experience any injuries on the back. Whereas before I was very worried after experiencing the incident. Moreover, they had reveal that I need to rest for two weeks ever, "said Espargaro.

And for the MotoGP USA Laguna Seca, it seems faster Espargaro must prepare himself again. Because of competition and character of a circuit that would drain a lot of energy, require more concentration from the drivers.

But, do not ya Espargaro fell again ...!

Roger Lee, Design American In Japan Motor

Unlucky fate befalling French MotoGP rider Randy De Puniet, apparently provides the best opportunity for Roger Lee Hayden. Because the younger brother Nicky Hayden will return to MotoGP to prove his prowess with Honda motors. De Puniet and license replacement by Roger Lee has been issued by the LCR Honda team for the series Laguna Seca, United States, July 25 next.

But not only got there struggle to get into the MotoGP class. Roger Lee is now preparing to be a wild card rider for the class series Moto2 Indianapolis, United States, on August 29, 2010. 

Although only a wildcard, Roger Lee was determined to achieve victory in the series. The boy born May 30, 1983, will join together with American Honda team headed by Kevin Swantz. And this team will use chassis from Moriwaki, namely type Moriwaki MD600. 

Yet behind these preparations, there is one thing which is unique. That style design with a combination of American Honda American flag. This design is chosen as the appreciation pride on his beloved country. Design created by Drudi Performance which was also the designer of each unique style of Valentino Rossi. 

Hopefully, with these designs, Indianapolis can be a silent witness of the actions of Lee. Intrigued by the action of Lee and style of clothing, as well as his new motorcycle. We'll see how it goes racing action this American wild card.

Hayden Ready to death at home

Last year when all the people doubting Nicky Hayden's performance in the motor home with a mediocre performance, it turns out he was able to bring his Ducati motorcycle finish in fifth position, after struggling against rivals. This good performance, certainly not without the support of fans and mentally at home. 

But this year, Hayden will surely appear to death at home to victory. The reason is quite better performance than last year. Even in the German series Hayden yesterday that the start of the 12th position, Hayden is able to fight and had climbed into fifth position. Unfortunately tight battle for fourth rider took fifth place close enough. 

"I'm not looking forward to continuing the MotoGP race at Laguna Seca this weekend, because this circuit is a very special circuit for me. Circuit with a character that pretty hard, but quite unique. Not because I am an American, yes, but that this circuit has a unique character, "explains Hayden. 

What was revealed by Hayden have a point. Because if you look at the layout of the circuit, there are no straight lines are really straight and long. Everything is a combination of fast corners and a short corner. Not to mention the existence of blind spots bend towards S bend small and declining, making the characters become more compact circuit. 

"Imagination racing line that must be passed by the drivers each lapnya already be there. And this should not be missed, because it deals with the fastest time gap between the drivers during the race underway. And from one corner to another corner is an uninterrupted connection and connect, "said Hayden again. 

Yup, even Valentino Rossi himself during a duel with Stoner, two years ago, had stepped on gravel at the corner of the small blind spots or corners S 8A and 8. Rossi was lucky enough to through it all with calm and focused. How about Hayden this weekend? we'll see.

Vettel: No Charges in Own Cage

While Michael Schumacher claimed a moral burden that would be a lot of racing on home turf than in other circuits, even assuming that Sebastian Vettel on home turf, the moral burden that should be eliminated so that race can walk normally. The difference is only in support of the fans only.

Although most big chance of victory could be pocketed by Vettel, but the German rider was even eliminate the moral burden that would come from his fans. Precisely Vettel took that as motivation to perform faster than other races in place.

"Basically it is a performance this weekend at home in my own race, but it does not become a problem. Since I do not regard it as a burden. This fact becomes motivation for us to perform better. After all, we also have a car fast enough and strong enough, "explained Vettel.

Vettel also explained that, the number of drivers from Germany who each have their own fans, also will be a unique future. The reason is currently in F1 Schumi and Nico Rosberg has been ascertained also get great support from spectators at Hockenheim.

Who would be lucky to win a sympathetic German citizen at Hockenheim? Do not miss race later.

LCR Honda MotoGP grimy Roger Lee To USA

Only difference a day after Randy de Puniet otherwise not be able to follow the MotoGP series at Laguna Seca, USA, which will be held this weekend, the Honda LCR team finally snagged Roger Lee Hayden as filler empty seats left by De Puniet. Honda LCR team certainly is not dirty origin, since they also must consider replacement with mature drivers. 

Of course many would question, why did not Honda LCR team pulled one of the drivers in Moto2 the characters have similar bike-like MotoGP? Roger Lee Hayden interesting fact that in fact does not currently have in arena kompetitifitas WSBK. Moreover, it is also shaded by the Kawasaki team in WSBK.

Apparently there are some strong reasons why they picked to be a racing driver Roger Lee Honda LCR team. Among them is because the Honda team have experience using the services and experience of Nicky Hayden's younger brother. Roger Lee before boarding WSBK class, has been poor across the AMA Superbike event. And he is quite successful in this arena. 

But there are three main reasons for the LCR Honda team, namely Roger Lee had joined as a wild card race with the Kawasaki team at Laguna Seca, USA in 2007. Although only limited wild card race, but Roger Lee able to reap good results, which finished in 10th position at the end of the race.

The second reason for choosing Roger Lee is an American racing driver is already knew the true character USA Laguna Seca circuit. Even people who say that Roger Lee will be as easy as turning the palm of the hand in this circuit, because he was racing in the AMA Superbike event for years in this circuit. 

Then the last reason is because the relationship between Roger Lee with American Honda is pretty good. And this would be a pretty good marketing promo for American Honda. Because one of the mainstays of their drivers, re-strengthen the Honda team, if only temporarily. 

Even if possible, Roger Lee will again occupy the vacant seat after the MotoGP Laguna Seca. Randy de Puniet own because it claimed was still convalescing. Hmm, seems this is the first time an American siblings will compete in the event the highest MotoGP. And of course Roger Lee also did not want to succumb to his brother. We'll see.

Sushi artisans, Ready won the F1 Pts Germany Again

The only rider who manages to look pretty good with the car's performance is pretty mediocre in F1, is Kamui Kobayashi. The famous racing driver with his sushi shop in Japan, it even manages to look brilliant in his first year in F1. And now without the underdog, Kobayashi back to give a surprise to his team, namely the points for his team end a famine.

Obviously this is quite remarkable results. Given the Sauber team has just been left by BMW and switch to Ferrari as a supplier of engines for them. Where the engine is very different handling, but Kobayashi was able to demonstrate skills they have. 

And before the race at Hockenheim 11 series to Germany, Sauber team apparently began to see the best asset for his team. Do not want to waste it, Sauber team did up grade on the C29 car diffuser. And this makes Kobayashi more convinced that he could get a better result in the next series. 

"I hope the momentum of the Silverstone F1 could be more encouragement for our team to the German F1 this weekend. And the up grade in the car, made sure I could generate more points. Because I also quite liked the Hockenheim track, and I've been many times since the race there in Formula Renault, GP2 and GP3, "said Kobayashi. 

In addition to assert that he really liked the track Hockenheim, Kobayashi also explained that this circuit is very tricky. It takes strategy and setting the right car in order to achieve good results. 

"In this circuit there is a fairly long straight tracks, and some slow corners. His character is very different from Silverstone. With this combination, it takes the car setting exactly the right time, in order to obtain good results during qualifying and racing. This is the appeal of these tracks, "Kobayashi added again. 

Will Kobayashi be able to perform better with up grade package of the new diffuser? Yup ... we wait!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rossi do not want to think at Laguna Seca victory

View the performance which can be produced by Valentino Rossi after he came back riding the Yamaha YZR-M1 shell numbered 46, it feels the next series of highly inappropriate Rossi set the highest target to win the Laguna Seca 2010 MotoGP series. But Rossi does not want to announce it first for the series Laguna Seca. Rossi targets even still focused on the recovery of his physical condition. 

But that does not mean after the German Sachsenring race weekends ago, the recovery of his injury has not progressed. Rossi even admitted that his health condition is getting better. Besides his mental condition has also been quite convincing. 

"I think building a pretty good mental confidence is more difficult than physical condition. Currently my condition has improved, so did the condition of the shoulder and an injured right foot. A clear target of 100 percent of my fatherly again unchanged from the beginning of the series Misano Italy later, "explained Rossi.

Besides targeting the Italian Misano series that will be held in early September 2010, Rossi was also stressed that the new series will be fro before Misano is the recovery and there will be no target to be a winner. Including for MotoGP USA Laguna Seca this weekend. 

"Obviously I will deploy what I can, without prejudice to the recovery process of recovery after a tragic injury. On the other hand, there are advantages too. That would be great mental development, because the races will be run without any burden, "added Rossi again. 

Hmm, however, Rossi's rivals include three other drivers who fall into the list of The Fantastic Four (Dani Pedrosa, Jorge Lorenzo and Casey Stoner) can be more calm. The reason this might be a covert strategy of The Doctor to play the mental side of his rivals. So, do not be fooled once ...!

Pindad Assault rifle SS2 shows reliability as a world class weapons

It was proved by the success of the Indonesian Army shooting team became the overall champion in the arena of international shooting competitions. This time the team became the overall champion at the Australian Army Skill Arms Meeting (AASAM) 2010 shot competition held at Puckapunyal, Victoria, Australia from 6 to 20 May 2010. Indonesian Army shooting team managed to gain 22 gold medals, 13 silver medals and 14 bronze medals. 

In the AASAM 2010 shot competition, Indonesian Army sends ten athletes and five officials. The marksman is the soldiers who are selectively chosen and given a variety of materials about the ability to shoot. Indonesian Army shooting team led by Lieutenant Colonel. Inf. Budiman Danyonif Airborne 328/Kostrad.

For the second time, the successful of the Indonesian Army shooting team as the overall champion on AASAM 2010, in addition supported by the ability and readiness of the Team is also supported by the quality and reliability of weapons produced by Pindad, assault rifle SS2 - V4. This achievement is a proud achievement for the Indonesian Army in particular and Indonesia in general.

AASAM shot competition has been Australia’s premier military shooting tournament with a worldwide reputation, followed by countries in Asia Pacific, Europe and Commonwealth countries. AASAM held since 1984 and this year was attended by 10 countries, includes Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, France and Canada.